17.3.1 Latest Update

17.3.1 Latest Update

DaVinci Resolve App for Windows Computer


With its latest update, DaVinci Resolve 17.3.1 is now more powerful than ever. This is because of new features, including an innovative new HDR toolset, which will help users to create better HDR content.

The new HDR toolset in the new 17.3.1 update is now more powerful than ever with new features. DaVinci Resolve 17.3.1 now features an innovative new HDR toolset that will help users to create better HDR content.

Improved HDR toolset

The new HDR toolset in DaVinci Resolve 17.3.1 is now more powerful than ever with new features. These new features include a new HDR merge tool that allows users to stitch together shots from an HDR camera, as well as a new HDR grade tool for applying a single LDR grade to an HDR file.